Singapore, Vickie's has landed. Get ready to live.
I braced myself for some sticker shock. I was pleasantly surprised though. The original price was $16.90 US. The new price is approximately $22.56 US. Not too crazy of a difference. If you figure in how much it'd cost in shipping to get here, it's almost a bargain.
I was a bit confused by one missing component though:
There is not one bra to be seen anywhere.
I'm not even kidding.
Hello?! That's like opening an ice cream shop and only selling sprinkles and hot fudge.
I have no idea why they wouldn't sell bras in the only Victoria's Secret in Asia. I only own bras from Victoria's Secret because they're so awesome (and my best friend used to work there). I think these girls in Singapore should get to experience them too.
Aaron says it's probably because Victoria's Secret doesn't make bras that small.
Very funny. Mean, perverted boy.
I would've said the same thing as Aaron.
Seriously though, it doesn't make sense for them to not carry the bras.
Speaking of undies, did you know there's a place in Tampines 1 that has crotchless panties on display in full view of the walking area? Can you imagine how that would go over in the US? Soccer moms everywhere would be up in arms... for no reason other than that they'd have to explain to their kid why the store was selling 'broken' underwear.
I was so exicted and then you go and crush my heart! NO BRAS!! CRAZY!! Did you ask them why? Or when they are going to get them?
I don't think I can step into an incomplete store :-(
The real question is should we celebrate or should we mourn?
LOL! I remember when Hooters opened and the general Western reaction was "Uh.... hmmm...."
There's a Hooter's in Singapore? Do they import the waitresses? LOL.
Aww ursie...
Don't take it seriously. It's just a stereotype that's fun to joke about. I've seen Asian girls here in Singapore that could knock me out with one blow of their jugs.
For real? No bras? I was thinking of dropping at Vicky to have a look and now I don't think I want to.should have just stock up the last time I was back in the US.
Nice post! gave me a virtual tour of VS. Chinese Reason - Its badluck for gamblers to see bras and panties :) ?
And does nobody think about the tourist, who would spend a lot of money at the store too?
Every breast (small or big) needs a good bra!!!!!!
Its unbelievable for me that there is a VS Store and i cant buy any bras in my leisure :(
Is it not possible to order some bras in the store?
We dont have a store in germany i hoped so much to get some bras in Singapore :(
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