This is what December looked like in Singapore.
I feel very fortunate to have experienced Christmas in both places.
Although, I'm not gonna lie. It's really hard to sing all of those Christmas carols about snow when you're sweating your butt off in shorts and flip flops.
I tried to mentally trick myself into thinking it was cold outside so I could feel more in the Christmas spirit.
Singapore looks a lot lovelier than Kansas! Though rumor has it that we might actually get in the 40's today, one can only hope!
wow you have a house in backyard? no high density living for you!
Hey Catt, oh I wish it was all mine! Ha ha. No, we share it with several families, but none of us go back there because of the snakes and large insects.
Wow. Snakes? Don't see much of that in the HDB housing areas we usually frequent. I did see a huge snake slithering up the road in my wife's neighborhood in the Philippines though. Some kids were playing with it so I took photos.
do you live in one of those black and white houses down portsdown road? I love the houses there!
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