This is Ion Orchard.
This is.
Notice the selection here.
No. Glazed. Donuts.
That's the equivalent of finding a Coldstone Creamery and realizing that they don't make cake batter flavored ice cream. Or like going to McDonald's and having them tell you they're out of fries.
It was so anti-climatic. The donuts we did buy tasted like they were made the day before. They were stale and hard and needed the sweetness of a sugar glaze.
At least the coffee was good. It's hard to mess the awesomeness of DD's coffee.
I actually passed the same DD on sunday, saw the line and walked on towards the underpass. No way I was gonna line up for donuts, especially DD in Sg!
I find the DD in KL, Malaysia much bigger and more numerous (cheaper too I imagine!), and there WAS a DD in Singapore a few years back (at Far East Plaza), but they closed down together with Wendy's. There are also some donut joints at Novena Mall, though by now, I have given up on finding the best donuts here, preferring to substitute them with moonpies instead :P
Oh, there used to be a Wendy's here?! I think my heart just broke a little. Now what are these moonpies you speak of? Are they the ones we have in the states that are like a cake sandwich with a marshmallow center?
By the way, thanks for posting your comment. I love feedback where I'm able to learn new things.
Yup, Wendy's was here alright, but they closed back in the early 90s I believe.
The moonpies I'm talking about are the same types as the American version, but over here, its made by two Japanese/Korean companies, and its sold as either Orion or Lotte Chocopies. You can find them at Mustaffas or better yet, that korean store near waterloo road (From Sim lim square, head towards the burlington building and its circular driveway, walk straight a few paces and its right there). The korean place has specials sometimes, so you might get a box of ten for like $2.50 per box. In any event, $10 should buy you some serious sugar rush! :P
Glazed donuts (doughnuts? I've never been able to determine which is correct) are overrated anyway. Got to go with the vanilla icing long johns.
Hey, I'd just be glad you have a dunkin donuts. I live in Kansas City and the closest one we have is in St Joe which is at least an hour away.
I went to Chicago a few years ago for my sons soccer tourny and they have them out there as well. We bought a dozen and fought over them all the way home. LOL
try donut factory for glazed donuts
Kaci, there's also one in Lawrence, but I'm guessing that may even be further for you. Boo! Although, I'm still a Krispy Kreme girl at heart. I'm be so happy to have one of those right now. :)
Oh and whoever is posting me links to where the good donuts are, thank you! I'm going to have all kinds of donut adventures now. When I gain 30lbs, I might not like you as much though. :)
There's Krispy Kreme in Malaysia, just head up north
Holy crap, I think my cholesterol clogged heart just skipped a beat. Where is it? In JB? Please say it's in JB.
both outlets in KL, sad to say
Well, considering that you're at sembawang, its prolly cheaper just to buy a bus ticket to KL, head up to pudu, buy the DDs right there and then, then pay in RM for the return tix and head back to Sg, and thats STILL cheaper than two cab rides (to and fro) past the CDB to Ion and back! :P
Ha ha, you're probably right! Isn't that sad?
Another reason for mail orders and personal deliveries :P
MY GOD! There's a Dunkin Donuts in Ion!!!???
I'd gotten used to only seeing those when visiting the Philippines! I'll have to let the wife know!
Finally... I can get my hands on bavarian cream donuts again!!!
As for Wendy's, I heard a rumor that they would be opening one in SG again in a few months... but that was a few months ago, so don't know if it ever happened.
By the way, I'm amazed at how cheap travel is here. The wife and I went to KL a few months ago and the flight was super cheap.
Pardon for my double post, but what were the prices like Megan? For the donuts I mean.
I know this is pretty late, but I thought I better give you a heads up before it's too late: DON'T, I repeat, DO NOT buy the original glazed at DD. I had it a few weeks back & it was horrible; instead of tasting sweet maple-ish sugar, there was this awful flour-y flavor that really put me off local DDs forever. It's such a disgrace.. I've never had DD elsewhere, & I can confidently say that, sadly, KK in Oz does waay better. Guess I'll just have to give up on donuts altogether I go overseas, or, praise the Lord, KK comes to S'pore.
What's up Ursie?
I can't stand KK out here in Asia. It's like it's way overdone. Too sugary to the point it hurts my teeth. We haven't tried DD here in SG yet but it's my donut of choice. KK in the US is mote like DD. No so overly sweetened. I miss eating donuts but for donuts like what I'm used to it's basically DD or nothing.
Yo Meg!
Can't help but to tell you a secret : there's this place called J.CO donuts now everywhere in Singapore! (well, ok, at least in Bugis and Orchard)
They are from Indonesia and the glazed donuts are hands down yum-yum. :)
There's more.
There IS still Wendy's in Singapore! It is located at Lau Pa Sat. It is a standalone store building on 1 corner of Lau Pa Sat, so it's quite hard to miss.
They open from 7AM to 10PM daily, and I'm pretty sure they have a breakfast menu.
The Quarter Pounder still rocks my socks.
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